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Here's another creature for your moustache zoo.

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Today's mythical creature is a Asrai, a underwater fairy that cannot be touched by sunlight. X

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Today's mythical creature is the werewolf! Make sure you don't meet him on a full moon! Aaaaoooooow! X

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Another mythical creature... The swampthing. X

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Today's mythical creature is the Phoenix! I'm going to post another one in a bit because I had no time yesterday! X

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Just finished a new sketch of the creature from the black lagoon.

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creatures doodles/paint tool sai

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Starving smoke creatures are eating our atmosphere! The heat is rising! http://t.co/4rGkczKR

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Geoffrey the English Lizard. Uptight but not snooty. Fancies himself an educated creature that enjoys the finer things.

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Creature Concepts -The Fly Re-Imagined - Preciux
Get More Free Tutorials on: http://t.co/BuDYTy8b

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Lord Xeen is an Undead creature, summoned and controlled by Sheltem. Learn more http://t.co/EJ6d0fiZ

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A beastie holding a flower. I might draw only creatures this month because it's Oct.

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My favorite monster movie as a kid is back in the theaters and in 3D!
Creature from the Black Lagoon!

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The Gnomon Workshop - Creature Design with Terryl Whitlatch Vol.1 - Preciux
Link: http://t.co/2iuxa4wB

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The Gnomon Workshop - Creature Design with Terryl Whitlatch Vol.2 - Preciux
Link: http://t.co/wW7gOBSt

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