画質 高画質


491 2739


117 684

Charybdis - Void of the Ocean

409 3651


348 1782

It’s time for day four! This creature is reminiscent of a praying mantis and collects pollen on its antennae that it scatters around, which is great for pollination, but not as good for people with allergies.

1 1

Meet Heckelantern ! These Enigmon are found hanging by their stems from crooked tree branches within the Twisted Woods. When they spot trainers, they creak and sway in the wind, letting out ghostly laughs to freak people out.

3 14

For day three, I went with a combination of a moth (because pride moth is a funny typo) and a cat (because lions live in prides ahaha) This kaiju helps people discover their true selves and provides a safe space for everyone.

2 3

Would you still love me if I was a wyrm?

36 274

I wanted to give my Cyclops design another try, and I'm certainly very pleased with the result

26 237

A modern take on the Deadly Mantis from the movie of 1957. This one made me realize that I'm not very good at making flowers, but I'm still satisfied with the result

37 192

It's 2023! time to doodle some

I'm not following any specific prompts. Just plan to doodle whatever Kaiju inspires me that day.

13 98