画質 高画質

somethign silly before i leave my pc for the next couple of days

dont @ me if i got the numbers wrong i did this in like half an hour

303 2004

Villanus Machina

Keyleth, the Widowed Willow

This is Keyleth without Vax, but took the loss the wrong way and is now a walking calamity enacting nature's wrath on all

Keyleth is played by

114 1298

So sorry for spamming this again…I never actually posted it on my own Twitter profile looool.

103 668

Just some funky wizards in funky outfits ✨

364 1693

Such a good episode tonight! So much to ponder. Until next week here’s ’s Prism!! Can’t wait to see what trouble she gets herself into next time (ft as best-dad™️ Dynios)

5 18

Happy Thursday, vox machina season 3 when ✨️💜

31 319

Zerxus and Tempus ✨
Calamity is such an incredible mini series and Zerxus’ story within it stands out to me as one of my favourites, and I wanted to draw something special for it

58 133