
Cham as Aziraphale and Basil as Crowley Commission asked by my friend Bee! COMMISSIONS OPEN

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C: "Shitshitshit- Don't let go, don't let go, don't-"

A: "You're doing wonderfully, my dear! I've got you, and I promise I will never let you go."

Crowley is afraid of flying too high after the fall, and Aziraphale helps him conquer his fears with a helping hand 💖🤝💖

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I wanted to try my new ink, and since it's called The Fluttering Heart, I wanted some cuddly drawing.

I couldn't come up with a pose that quickly, so I took inspiration from another fanart I saw somewhere.

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Crowley brought a dinner knife to the conspiracy against Caesar. Aziraphale, who misunderstood the assignment, brought a fork.

(orig: Camuccini, 1806)

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more early crowley and aziraphale, these might be the second illustrations i did of them 🥺 i like how they look side by side

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Last contribution for this time with Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens 🍎🐍

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Одним из любимых символов художников являются растения, чаще всего цветы. Лилия являла собой образ благих намерений, чистых помыслов, доверия, дружбы и возвышенной любви

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Aziraphale: It's fun to celebrate with humans, isn't it?
Crowley: Ngh... I look like a leprechaun!
Aziraphale: You look gorgeous, my dear.

Made for St. Patrick's Day but I forgot to post it here. 😅

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Injury?? Death?? Nah. Aziraphale just had the worst burger of his life. Far too much ketchup. Crowley is helping wipe up the excess ketchup and will be cursing the restaurant when they leave. https://t.co/NMUx3KGTUR

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👼クロウリー、君 私の最後のシャトー・ラフィット飲んだ?

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