Commission of Odetta from Dragalia Lost wearing casual clothes taken from Hatsune Miku's Cumulonimbus Graffiti video clip. Thanks!

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June - Clouds☁️6️⃣

(High Clouds):
Ci - Cirrus

(Middle Clouds):
Ac - Altocumulus

(Low Clouds):
St - Stratus
Ns - Nimbostratus

(Vertical Clouds):
Cu - Cumulus
Cb - Cumulonimbus

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And then you know, the cumulonimbus.

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some cumulonimbus sufferings to cope

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draw this in your style da @/risca_nael no instagram🌌

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12. OCs you've killed: Not counting when Lady Bre destroyed her entire kingdom, or that time the world ended, I've only killed Adlai and Cumulonimbus, I think. Though Nim got better.

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“A Quetzalcoatlus soars through high cumulonimbus clouds at sunrise”

generated from text prompt with

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. 『積乱雲の街』
(City of Cumulonimbus Clouds)

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Update FND giveaway point.
There are only 1 piece available and 7 day left and I incress the chance for every biders to get win.
"Cumulonimbus buy now price change to 0.37 ETH"
(Rank 6-7 can win)
Thank you <3

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hi and welcome to me playing catch up. this is Drew’s prompt, so I tried to go for something a little different, i like to think she’s a bit of a cumulonimbus bitch

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Made some bookmarks for myself, slightly inspired by tarot cards.

The cloud types pitched for each character are:
Jay: cirrostratus
Chip: cumulonimbus
Gillion: nimbostratus

(I’m curious what cloud types anyone else would assign to them)

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Terakhir, udah lamaaaaaaaaaa banget enggak gambar langit biru dan cumulonimbus. Di foto aslinya enggak ada. Tapi karena kangen, dipaksa masuk 😂 Dan cumulonimbus ini digambar paling terakhir, paling enak, paling dihatean. Yah segitu aja Bandung Series kali ini. Hatur nuhun!

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