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forgot to upload this when i first drew this... gay people from the first week of august

9 63


I don't know how to draw kisses, but I wanted to do it anyway...

13 47

did some doodles with some color palettes requested by some people in a friend's Lupin server- I feel like Jigen came out kinda wonky but these were still hella fun to do lol

6 20

Jigen is very entertaining 10/10 I am still having trouble with my art but, this was fun to do!💥

0 11

And this was the end result doodle of me watching that movie .I HEAVILY recommend! https://t.co/yf9fDcPYcY

16 63

this show is slowly forcing me to draw more than boring 3/4 busts and i cannot thank it enough

2 14

I'm a simple human being: I see a Jigen in Yukata, I draw a Jigen in Yukata

4 11

I just wanted to get a feel of how to color in these guys but there ended up being gratuitous shirtless Goemon. whoops. sorry not sorry LMAO

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