Meat Joe’s art gallery. (Only DALL·E users/fans will get it, but whatever.) by vzakharov

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DALL·E に色々イラストを描かせてた。はっきりしたイラストだと粗に目が行くので、想像を働かせるようなぼんやりとした感じにすると良さそう。

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Meat Joe’s art gallery. (Only DALL·E users/fans will get it, but whatever.) by vzakharov

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midjourneyはこんなに凄いのか...DALL·E miniとDisco Diffusionを使ったことあるけど、良い画像を作るのは難しいね...🤔

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DALL·E miniでもこれくらいはいけるのでDALL-E2なら実用的なMatcap生成いけるかもしれない?

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♡ Just an AI girl ♡

a collection of images generated by DALL·E 2 that show that the AI model was trained on a dataset containing photos of the popular girly aesthetic found online on social media platforms like instagram, tumblr, & pinterest


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🐸StyleGAN2 (feat. ) vs DALL·E🤖

DALL·E converts Cyclops into Basic! 😜I found the perfect neural network! ❤️❤️❤️

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"a regular looking person with a mushroom cap on his head, 3d render"

Dude is such a mood😅

DALL·E seems to handle "3D render" well, but looks like late 2000's kind of 3D. Maybe I just need to expand my verbal/visual vocabulary more, or maybe good 3D doesnt look blatant?

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One of our very own freelance astronauts has been given beta access to new DALL·E 2 generator✨

To celebrate & inspire - we’ve posted an event in our discord where members can submit their own description of a Daturian to be generated🧬

See below⬇️

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'A Flamingo exploding the earth' - DALL·E 2

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A capybara in Skyrim, DALL·E 2 edition

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"a reference image of an elegant girl vtuber with cat ears"

I just got beta access to DALL·E and I need to brush up on my art appreciation/critique/history skills.😅

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Tarot card Fortune telling 2022, birth date XXXXと打ち込み、DALL·E にタロット占いをさせるという無謀な試み。Towerらしきものが出力されたが2021...

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Guess who just got access to DALL·E! (The real one, not DALL·E mini)

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I've been using DALL·E 2 and it's really cool how colorful it can make things and also how accurate it can be

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