Did you guys know I love love LOVE! 's fic "Eris" 😊 they do an AMAZING job of illustrating Connor and Nines being best bros ☺️💕💖 and I love me soft RK bros 😉 Hope I did them justice~!

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💙💜❤ Commissioned by the beautiful and amazing who supports me all the time: a little ❤💜💙

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OK! I finished the doodles I did during my stream! Yes, Nines is holding a big pillow cuz he loves cute things.

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And something simple to end the night(day? idek) Nines wearing Gavin's jacket~

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(2.5 hours late!) Rascal-- I know he's not technically a mermaid, but sea!creature Gav is awesome and dexterous~ based on 's croatian sea monster au!

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