A special colored sketch I did on stream to commemorate [DE]SOL.ATE; CHILDREN OF GAIA hitting 10th on MangaPlus's weekly

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Full art for chapter 2 of [DE] SOL.ATE; CHILDREN OF GAIA!! Check out the thread for a surprise if you finished Ch 2!!

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Jackal and Serpent - A little illustration I wanted to do of Sofia and Eros from my manga!
You can read it here: https://t.co/wKNahiJNAU

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Just felt like doodling my gorl Sofia haha! Might doodle Eros too ngl LOL I was just drawing her face then it turned into coloring her

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YEEEEEEEEEEEHAWWWW!! Gettin da merch arts together like I promised!! Working on the first little bit now! Might do one or two things and work on some other DCOG stuffs I need to plan for next chapter!😈😈

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