Keeping with my yearly tradition to draw my stoner Exeggutor gal on 4/20, because only relying on traditionally cute Pokemon for anthros is for cowards!

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If you feel down and out, if you feel like you're lost and you can't do anything in life, let this picture of punching the "water weight" out of Nikocado Avocado inspire you to greatness. It certainly helps me.

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Recently was reunited with the game Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, thanks to a birthday gift from and it reminded me of an old fan character I made, so I figured I'd venture back and revamp said character.

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I have a confession to make... I genuinely love the Leprechaun series of movies, and there's no better time to watch 'em then on St. Pattys~

4 20

Because every hero needs a villain. An attempt was made at Bowser. There's elements I like, but it'll take time to perfect, but hey. Art is a process.

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A case of mistaken identity or false advertisement? Either way, these two are dumb enough to take the risk.

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Morgrem is one of my favorite Pokemon of generation 8; though maybe I'm biased, since they look eerily like a palette swap of my own goblins... seems like they see the family resemblance as well!~

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Ziggy, typically more reserved then her brother, likes to show that she too likes to go out with a bang now and then!

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Kef has always been on to put his "best foot forward" as one can plainly see here. The $5 fee may seem a little steep (for his standards) but trust me, it's little more than an optional gratuity.

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Goblin Week, you say? Well then, allow me to introduce (right) Kefran "Kef" and (left) Zigora "Ziggy" Jareth. My pair of degenerate goblin twins with hardly a full brain put between the two of them.

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Raised in nobility, Kef and Zggy openly reject their posh upbringing in favor of being as crass, shocking and sexually deviant as possible. (as goblins ought) To them, if you're offended then mission accomplished.

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A little Cala Maria in honor of the new Cuphead Show trailer. Let's hope it's as good as it looks.

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