Super Mario RPG may just be my favrotie Mario game of all time... by now you should all know my lack of regrets. Yeah, I did it to Mallow and I'd do it to you too if you let me!

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Haha silly thicc animal thief gals bickering. One might say they're "Thicc as Thieves" ...kill me.

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I stand corrected. Popple is best Mario Bros. character ever.

3 11
Because whenever I hear Ray Stevens' "The Streak", all I can think of is how Sonic canonically runs around in the nude. Now you will too!

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In my lifetime, I have drawn the Sonic cast to the point of pure disillusionment. So, as I am want to do, I tried my hand at redesigning them in ways preferable to me.
(I regret nothing)

8 25

Part two of Sonic in my style... at this point do I even have to start that I have no regrets for what I drew?

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Continuing Donkey Kong December, it's Diddy Kong whom I've never liked the design of... shame, as he's the protagonist of one of my favorite games. You know the drill, gave him a look I'd prefer. I like the end result!

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Character such as:
Dropo - Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964)
and that ole' devil, Pitch - Santa Claus (1958)
(Who am I kiddding, we only know these from MST3K)

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The Miser Bros; Snow Miser and Heat Miser - The Year Without A Santa Claus (1974)
I swear, I've come to love these guys both ironically and unironically!

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The Shaven Yak - Ren & Stimpy (1991)
Lest we forget those who celebrate Yaksmas Eve! May your sinks be filled with shaving scum!

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Robotnik Claus - Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (1993)
Reminding us all to spread hapPINESS wherever we go

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Vunter Slaush - South Park (1997-present)
Do you still believe in Slash?

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