囚人と紙飛行機の世界に次々と登場し出すDeinoキャラ・・・。原曲しか知らない方からは?マーク出まくりかと思いますw ちなみにシーエとアルビは前巻「裏方アンチノミー」に出演してます! http://t.co/SJpILGhOGW

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Head of Deinocheirus, as weird as the rest of it. Based on pictures in http://t.co/vxzWl2g18J

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Prompted by ' comment: http://t.co/l4pzjEVqyo, Deinonychus with a 'top hat' feathery crest.

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Aw, you're too nice. Welcome new followers! Here's a teeny little watercolor of a Deinonychus in a tree.

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Pokemon fanart : Deino

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IHIA2WoMa8ip9kkdbYtedLgg deino様の画集が届いたので。最近シーエちゃんの性格を知ってクールな外見とのギャップにハマってます

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Anonymous request: Leopard-colored Deinonychus. It's sneaking up on some prey item.

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Little known fact: Red Bull turns inaccurate deinonychosaurs into more accurate ones.

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