2022 Recall Pass | Year End Celebration
- EP 4 // Disruption Card
- Disruption Title
- Fakeout Spray (animated)
- Dimension Title
- EP 5 // Dimension Card
- Walis Tambo Buddy
- 20 Radianite Points

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Still available on
Full artwork on the link...


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Considering the concern that Pixiv's regulatory changes may cause some disruption to Fanbox's operation,

Patreon has been newly opened. Once there is nothing wrong, we plan to operate it together with the fan box.

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Good night dear and

The world needs some disruption right now; voices calling for change, lead by artists and writers!
Dream big, use your voice and create art- together, we heal the world!


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So, there's free US shipping for all items on Fangamer till the 28th. I'm debating on what I should buy if I eventually do. Should I get the Floralsei shirt, the Werewire disruption shirt, the no-hat Ralsei plush, or the Big Shot himself?

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Zombie Fight Club - Cascading Disruption coming soon to the NFT space...

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As promised, here's the schedule for this week!

Unfortunately my son's school is still closed until further notice, so I'm just going to have to stream with him as best as I can.

I'll do my best to keep the disruptions to a minimum, thank you all for understanding 💙

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Hand disruption é sempre divertido não vou mentir...

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...In the creative world of art, suddenly the most interesting thing is the disruptions that appear

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sorry, pinky

succtober s3 ep3 The Disruption

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A few examples of output generated by my latest piece: Atmospheric Disruption.


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Inflation is a global problem caused by supply chain disruptions caused by the pandemic, and made worse by Russia's illegal war in Ukraine. Inflation will go down in time, BUT if we lose democracy, our freedoms, AND our rights, we may NEVER get them back.

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Danggg Set 10 is getting a lot of cool support in the Fifth Anniversary set. Hand disruption and life gain? This is a sweet new Z-card for the archetype.

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Christian Adams
Political cartoonist for London Evening Standard: https://t.co/8TwmIIPZgG
Instagram: https://t.co/j1FrrK8Tol

🔸 'Change Causes Disruption,' 5 Oct 2022. Christian Adams, Evening Standard.

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