Si algún dia te sientes mal, recuerda que a Doofenshmirtz de Phineas y Ferb lo abandonó su novia...por una ballena.

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Wouldn't it be cute if Jenny Wakeman and Dr. Doofenshmirtz swapped clothes?

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[COMM] Young Adult Vanessa as a Belly-Dancer

Commissioned by superkeegan9100

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I ship Applejack X Dr. Doofenshmirtz, do you?

1 1

fico pensando como que os pais do Doofenshmirtz não apareceram no parto dele

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Bella Hayden (kiri) ada yang bilang mirip Ariel si putri duyung karena rambutnya merah dan Hans Durchdenwald (kanan, yang pake gaun) banyak yang bilang mirip Ben 10 padahal inspirasinya justru dari Dr. Doofenshmirtz.

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Todos sabemos que lo MEJOR de Phineas y Ferb era ver a Perry y Doofenshmirtz.

Ellos 2 eran el alma del show ✨

3 30

The Therizinosaurus, if they had a human voice, would sound exactly like 's Dr. Doofenshmirtz .....

so says the head-canon of and I tweeting.

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someone in discord said that chn reminds them of dr doofenshmirtz so here you go

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DEATH BATTLE! Dr. Doofenshmirtz VS Jarvis Johnson

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Why amber brought dr Doofenshmirtz as witness 😭

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The Smash speculation community is currently exploding over a leak that suggests Zero and Dr. Doofenshmirtz will be joining the battle!

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Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb) is too busy thwarting Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s schemes to be allo! (Canon ace, submission from )

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