画質 高画質

“Welcome home cheater” - Il Dottore

147 650

Nice outfit but why so many details?
Also my best ig
I appreciate people who noticed the pinkish tone on his air

119 906

Sorry lumine😭👍🏼

635 6444

Yuhh some dottores

136 1024

angotorre — huh thats a weird looking dottore segment... https://t.co/JVQExH7drB

5 61

He is NOT paying attention in the monthly Harbinger meeting... 🐀

508 3247

(Sketch + basecolor)

165 963


🥸In Japan, there is a mysterious custom of eating sekihan when you have your first period.😂

25 257

I am a widow. My wife is dead and gone. Gotta do what you gotta do to move on from a loved one that has long departed. Miss you 4ever, the loml, webtoon dottore from genshin impact https://t.co/LhSv0g8Eu8

7 49

karyababu Based on lore (?) 😭 iseng" dottore - sohreh by sender.

426 3076