Iconic Bi queens. Arei is more expressive to others about her gf while J is more quiet and reserved. They went from haters to lover after spend more time together. Eventually they started dating <3

4 10

(Reupload because twitter glitched the image for some reason wooooo)
Min Jeung being asked to devise a solution to the Riemann Hypothesis.

4 19

I'll just post this separate panel of Min as well because I do like how this drawing turned out.

0 7

.Fake blood.
how much time i spent on this...wonderful.

3 16

I want back to the old days

6 28

Rosedav / Painting Stars

Requested by

2 8

My nerves are slowly giving up

5 21

Charles has soft hair to the touch...

5 19

뭘 태그로 해야 할지 몰라서 다 달아봤어

0 10