Baby Daisy ain't playing around, she got that clipboard with your life threatening diagnosis on it
You've been warned

11 37

After only knowing the main 3 viruses for so long, it's nice to see new ones in Dr. Mario World. They also look like a fun bunch, so I didn't want to leave them out.

5 15

This took me so so long to do, but I'm really happy with the results, perfect timing too, so high five to me XD

38 275

Dr. Pauline 💗

I wish she was in the roster, I want her in more games.

33 122


145 705

El prototipo de Dr. Mario para NES se llamaba Virus. En esa versión en desarrollo, "Speed level" era "Sick level", había un bonus de puntos extra y el virus amarillo tenía nariz, eliminada de la versión final porque parecía... UN PENE. 👇💊

8 37

Spoilers for at the link below, although you can probably guess what they are if DK Vine is talking about the game. Yep, that's right: DATAMINERS HAVE UNCOVERED DR. CONKER.

Note: the above spoiler is a filthy lie.

10 45

Dr. Waluigi says: Protect yourself! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

11 42