Mecha March Day 05: Arale

Nothing but the lovable robot girl from Akira Toriyama's "Dr. Slump" manga! I even decided to throw in her poop stick because why not? XD

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Yeeeeeee a little tribute to one of my favorite animation TV series of my Childhood!! Dr.Slump !!!!

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[Puyo Puyo Quest x Dr. Slump Arale-chan Collab]
Dr. Mashirito, Poopboy, Feli ver. Arale-chan, Witch ver. Arale-chan, Carbuncle ver. Gatchan and Paprisu Sarada confirmed in press releases and website update

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Final piece of my first Anime Crush, Arale Norimaki.
Fun story she’s my wife’s favorite character and she looks a bit like her 😝 so i ended up marring Arale in some way.

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Late night posting (as usual). Three more chars and we're done! Let's continue🥰

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Akira Toriyama crossover. Nuestros androides favoritos conocíendose por primera vez. 🙈

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