New character! He's a species of drybones that hasn't fully decayed! his name is Bion!

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This is Beyla of E'rro, "Drybones" to those not of the swamp. She's a Bullywug Berserker and 4 of 31 original RPG NPCs!

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I joined the Super Crown browsette bandwagon. Dryyyy BONESSSSSSSS

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Welp I have S I N N E D thanks to bowsette so heres dry bones.

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I caved and drew them... I made a Drybones one too! My spooky favorites...

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Dry Bones wants to be a princess too! Here is Bonette🖤

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Meet Nana Drybones.

She's an Undead Matriarchal Lich Queen Crimelord you won't wanna cross.

Client piece I finished over my livestremms.

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Getting ready for a trial run with some friends and neighbours...with just two weeks to go until our opening weekend, excitement is building!

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Well, it was necessary and it's now done~
My own tribute for . He's a lovely Dark Bones and makes beautiful artworks~ 💖🐢☠️

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Today it's the turn of from

I have to admit, I have never played Super Mario Brothers or any Mario in fact, can you believe that?

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Another lineless drawing, this time it's DryBones and hoo boy this was a bit difficult, there's like 99 Layers- heh

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Tried some serious doodling on my phone. Shet, now I want that Samsung Tablet with the S-pen.

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Last week's theme was "Bones"

I drew and drew 's D&D character Clare

Part of weekly drawing with

Hi-Res sketch for Dry Bonesette will be available on Patreon, and the Hi-Res render will be a bonus for Tier 2 Patrons.

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Discúlpenme ;;
La verdad es que me gustó bastante el diseño que les dio a los villanos de Mario , es que son preciosas :') Meper?

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昨夜は下北沢GARDENにて さん30周年パーティー!武藤ウエノでお祝いさせて頂きました!おめでとうございました!久々のコルツは感慨深いものがあったなぁ。とりわけ10/1に勝手とZOOT16が渋谷クアトロです!#武藤昭平withウエノコウジ

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