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If you like EarthBound/Mother or any other title by Love-de-Lic I think this is the game for you!

Contact main character designer by Atsuko Fukushima, animator and character designer of PopoloCrois Series. https://t.co/WZ3zaKRczi

128 741

Pk Freeze!
Finishing random WIPs from my folder so I can like actually draw consistently again hfhdsfhds

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Omg, it's almost the same, I dont even know bout this lel XD... I haven't got in to this part of earthbound yet

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day 29 of
starman DX
i once made an oc based on this guy
should draw more of sebastian (the oc)

35 165

give it a listen if your into mother/earthbound music!!

0 4

The March of Minch 2023 Day: 27, "Magicant"
"He has gained residency..."

2 3

Paula, Paula, and Paula's cat

118 500

Mother is one of these games that you have to play to experience it, is truly a masterpiece and it makes honor to it slongan "No crying until the end"

3 9

Ness tried Paralysis α! Mondo Mole became an absolute cakewalk!

3 18

"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shootin' stars
I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now"
-True lovers, Aloysius Minch and Geldegarde Monotoli

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