Picture for 's new song - Caught Me Standing in the Rain! 💌


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🕯Eleano Forte🕯
I really wanted to draw her and finally I made it💕💕
-Eleanor belongs to

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My favorite English Synthesizers V character and voice - Eleanor Forte!
She's super beautiful and has a wonderful voice, check her out ✨

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KG congratulated me on my Birthday (it's today) and, finally, she completed artworks for my original song with Eleanor Forte

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Here is the coverart I did for 's "Blindsided" with I posted fanart and I didn't even post the actual cover :P

My first sketch is always so different from the final. I've never figured out how to do clean sketches in Paint dot Net.

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Have you listened to Flanger Moose's "Blindsided" (feat. Eleanor Forte)?
If not, don't miss out on it and check it out asap!
It's totally worth it.


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というわけで さんアイコンのエレノアちゃんカワイイから見ていて。アイコン担当絵師は さん、ツイッターではあまり活動してない感触。

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I just think all the synths watch each other's events

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Eleanor Forte Design comparison for those who can't tell what changed. Art by Sleepy Hollow as always lol *repost image was borked whoops*

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She is so beautiful!!Happy birthday!

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It's Eleanor's 2nd anniversary in my timezone, finally! Happy birthday!

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Happy birthday I'm sorry I didn't finish your birthday project in time I adore you

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Eleanor Forteちゃんニ周年です
エレノアちゃんを愛してくださる皆様に感謝を、これからもどうぞよしなに(ㅅ´ ˘ `)

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SynthV TPの発表から、今日でエレノアが公開2周年となりました。

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