
Still like Elsword? The character...and the game too. Here's another set of wallpapers featuring all 4 paths!

Direct links to download the wallpaper
PC: https://t.co/P71zRp8rfN
Mobile: https://t.co/C4eVAw9ao3

24 86

Drawing random Elsword players' character
Part 2~

's eve~ >w<

1 7

Drawing random Elsword players' character
Part 1
's beatiful ara :D

1 8

The Miyucchie and her Sayu counterparts. all credits go to , and HenshinFM

2 2


76 156

오즈 그려달래서 그렷음

28 89


251 470

twitter白痴开始研究怎么用( ;´Д`)…因为担心发不出去所以在推上也放一下!是celcla的cp29无料入油挂件

4 20

Since we got some responses about art for older characters, let's start off with some! Here's Elsword's 4th Path, featuring Genesis!

17 89