Yay, OCs <3
I'm happy to discover some original art, thank youuuu !!!

Here are my main and fav characters of my story "OETHERIUM" :
Iakov the blue mad scientist, Viktor the Slav wizard, and Nathaniel the angel !

And the grey cat belongs to my co-author !

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Hooo, that's so nice of you <3
So many cool artists here !

About me ? Ahooo, I'm Zlo, french freelance mad-scientist. I love to draw and to write a lot and I'm the co-author of the OEtherium project : https://t.co/5VGZJdJO3L

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New pic done for Anvil8 Games’ Aetherium!

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Very nice idea, thank you ❤️

Hi ! I'm Zlo ! Freelance Mad-scientist, French illustrator and co-author of the story you can follow here : https://t.co/syLejnwayN on !


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Hi ! I'm Zlo !

Stupid cat-pricorn. Freelance Mad-scientist. Slavic & beard lover. Able to purr IRL. Star collector.

French illustrator and co-author of the story.


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Rhooo, merci pour ce post <3 Puis comme ça je vais aussi m'en servir afin de découvrir plein de gens, hinhinh !
Du coup, j'en profite pour parler de et moi-même qui improvisons à quatre mains un "roman" illustré un peu spécial, l'OETHERIUM : https://t.co/XYVnnCuess

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A highrise beatdown. "Jester Dance" from ' Aetherium miniatures game. From a couple years back, but classics never get old. ;) This painting also has all my favorite square brushes at the time.

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Ugh. I'm often referred to as the Frodo Baggins of the group. On Tuesdays I meet with a group where we drink milk and discuss how the upside down really does exist. I think you'll love me beclaws I have cattitude. https://t.co/UaUjR8KkGx

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'For me? Oh Luna, you shouldn't have. I love it!'
(By Etherium-Apex)

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Breya, Etherium Shaper is the other UB Legend, I'm guessing.

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