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✨Soulsborne Wheel Vanquished✨

Thank you so much to everyone who offered such excellent suggestions and kind words throughout the process. It's made me so happy painting characters I've wanted to make fanart of for a long time! https://t.co/2PIUGBhIva

1103 4281

Oh come on! Posts are dying like cockroaches here. Put a lot of work on the first original new piece in a long while (Atomic Shock) for it lose badly to that old fanart DS repost 😩

Anyway, check out cool TTRPG Blood Neon! And stay tuned for some more atomic stuff!

22 78

Shenhua - Body and Blade Last Forever

Drew Shenhua from 's Black Lagoon! She’s such a fun character! ✨😁✨

30 102



88 382

Коммишкииии ЯПИИИИИИИ🎉🎉🎉
лмао люблю своих заказчиков 💀 Первая коммишка с Тессой для ,хехех ,а второго чела отмечать не буду ,это его пожелание:)

80 504