Individuals Ranking

Vote for Kyu, Yeye and Chul

📆1st week ends: D-6, 23:49

❗Hall of fame [check the images]
❗This is hard because there are 3 of our boys in this category. We need support all of them


120 103


Vote for Ryeowook

📆1st week ends: D-6, 23:49

❗Maintain Wookie 1st place for 10 straight weeks to get him to the hall of fame

➝Check the image below to know the benefits of the hall of fame


182 171

ジョンヒョン バースデーイベント、86%達成しています。明日が最終日。シャヲルの皆さんジョンペンさん🌟ひとつでもよろしくお願いします🤲日本でも一緒にお祝いしましょう💎

29 30