
A quick teaser featuring my pals and works for our 20 paged black & white fanzine!

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WIP for the Picking colors is so hard!!!! halp

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An illustration I did for swamp monsters fanzine with a slavic swamp spirit called “bolotnitsa”.

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Big Sky fanzine will be using my of Samuel R Delany (created for magazine last year).

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¡Vamos a estrenar fanzine en el evento Anicomix! :D

¡Los invito a pasar por nuestro stand!

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My piece for from . Glad to have been a part of this zine :D

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Teaser with some of the other art that will be in the league fanzine! CAN YOU GUESS WHO'S WHO?

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Vengo anunciaros que estare en el stand F-19 en la zona de fanzineros en el salon del manga junto al fanzine de MCA

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Demà comencen les jornades fanzineres de

Gaudiu-les per mi!

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Cartell per a les jornades fanzineres de a Saragossa.

Per si us queden energies després de falles!!

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