G'raha's turn at the god treatment, and Hermes made the most sense.

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Finally finished my dear elezen in garlean armor and my god- I love how this one turned out! 🫠

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And a couple more emoji/sticker designs. Punch Catte and Energetic Lala

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“I am neither a saint nor a savior – just another sinner."
Had a bit of a struggle with making this fanart, but I pushed through! I love Ysayle and I just love adventuring with her in Heavenward 💙

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Oh Emet, you glorious, glorious bastard.
Dionysus seemed the best fit for my boy. And yes, those do be squapes.

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Wasn't feeling my last FFXIV series, so have some Greek god (and maybe a splash of Hades) inspired Estinien. Gone for a Ares war god vibe.

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I forget often that Twitter does exist, so I offer you a 3 in 1 special with the FF portraits I've been doing lately.
:) Any suggestions and requests?

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More painting practice but with G'Raha Tia from this time~

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