画質 高画質


99 55

i doodled Luna from again, haha! toldyouguise she's not Stella! :D

5 11

I already love the i'm seeing. Does he need so many swords though

Source - http://t.co/q4cQgi3ZD5

2 4

Had to do one of those FFXV edits. I'm happy with it

1 1

Another doodle...selfie time with and On Tumblr you can check it here: http://t.co/jUnS4Ax7KL

48 57

Noctis fanart! PSDs and process videos of my pics available here: http://t.co/AToIIuv0f0

153 301

Noctis painting process GIF! You can support me for more here: http://t.co/XuNQzMi4HJ

79 205

FFアルティマニア -クリスタルに導かれしまとめたち- : FFXVのためにPS4買うんだが、間違ってないよな? http://t.co/bpEXKxGCEF

0 0

Square Enix Announces Pax East 2015 Lineup | Just Cause 3, FFXV, TYPE-0, Heavensward and More http://t.co/2dJ6NTM5Jk

21 16

FFアルティマニア -クリスタルに導かれしまとめたち- : FFXVの体験版くらい無料で配れよ http://t.co/DxpWUzM0e2

0 0

【電撃PS本日発売】『ドラゴンクエストヒーローズ』や『FF零式HD』『FFXV』を総力特集! 『GE2 レイジバースト』の32P攻略付録冊子が付属! http://t.co/iRTxUVqSXO 

63 46

Hey, wait a minute... Something feels strangely familiar here... *dramatic music* 😱

14 17

The next issue of Famitsu contains FFTYPE-0 and FFXV illustration cards as a bonus for buyers. http://t.co/hRW8BpncjD

9 17

I was told to drop it. This ain't even on dA yet. I wished the demo was longer

3 1

For those who tried the demo ;) 50 posters: http://t.co/2iBNE1yAAm and wallpapers: https://t.co/QCsWIosqFo

12 15