画質 高画質

: "ひぐらしのなく頃に解 第二話 罪滅し編(上) (星海社 e-FICTIONS)"(竜騎士07, ともひ 著)https://t.co/PO79s51xvL

0 0

Name a fictional character without the letter "E" https://t.co/pGPJA7Sr3x

0 3

TVアニメ「新しい上司はど天然 」

言葉は花束 素直な気持ち 贈りあって…

1065 10662

Kagome Portrait for the fanfiction 'Kawaakari' by

36 549

An illustration for the fanfiction "Lullaby" by my talented friend . Thank you for your creativity! For me it shines like a star!

27 236

4 Fictional characters I would marry

(Two white haired dramatic bitches and two angelical princes) https://t.co/fgn3VLauYX

0 3

Thank you so much to all the people who produce Wangxian's Fan Fiction!!! It's the food of life!Thanks to you, I survived today!

23 207

 Good Morning!

"This is like a city of the future, just like in a science fiction world."

17 93

This is literally just fanfiction for people who can draw.

With that in mind, it has been 470 days since Homura Akemi was adopted into the Artefact Clan.


3 17

Me when my favorite fictional character died

0 4

Thanks for not causing any racial discourse over a fictional character for the sake of the bit, i know it took restraint https://t.co/WEK3JT9oPZ

31 274

(* ̄ㅂ ̄) 私は屁理屈こじつけSFが大好きなんやけど、私も含めて屁理屈の為に想像力が損なわれてしもたらそれこそ本末転倒、なにゆえにSFの解釈のひとつにScience & Fiction があるのか解らんよーになってしまうと思う。
むしろ支離滅裂荒唐無稽な話にリアリティを加えるのが屁理屈であるべき。 <RT

11 16

: "ひぐらしのなく頃に解 第二話 罪滅し編(上) (星海社 e-FICTIONS)"(竜騎士07, ともひ 著)https://t.co/BXW2aH3HNq

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I'll just reduce "that" scene to 1-2 panels

I mean I know it's fiction and all, but I don't wanna draw hardcore noncon with my fave characters since I grew attached to em'

I'm not funded by the og studio so I can do whatever I want bruh.

Please don't go mad at me

0 2

Pulp Fiction film poster study

but make it Miss All Sunday 🤠🤠🤠

6472 26531

how does one marry fictional characters?

5 81

"hey pocky who's your favorite fictional character?"

2 20