Finally found one that has my floofy hair and my flyaways too 😂

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I think this is my fave picture from them by me 🥰

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Checking on my sanity... heard it should be landing any minute now (doubt it)

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I just... make it a mess and hope for the best 😭😭 (also random lil flyaways just... there lol)

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A flyaway lace dress the colour of Canterbury Bells for a long summer night of broken stars & jewelled caddis houses in hidden silvery brooks & bright eyed frogs singing the summer in from their damp, muddy stones praying, o praying so hard, for a change in their fortunes.

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Did you miss reading by Georgie Adams?

▶ Doogle's Flyaway Hat:
▶ Bouncing Bedbugs:
▶ Sleepy Sheep:

Get the audiobook here:

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🎤エーックス ワーイ ズィー!!


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ive never not had flyaways ever in my life when it comes to short ponytails cos fkin hairdressers always keep my hair long at the sides and it gets trapped all up in my glasses like fuck, also this guy uses a head that has a shape kinda like mine so basically, its venom time

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へへっ…舞空術で空飛んでたら 光る雲を突き抜け FlyAwayしてたアイドルを 見つけちゃったもんね

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◎あなたのサークル「FlyAway」は、日曜日 西地区“め”ブロック-21b に配置されました。
当選しました !!

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Have An Awesome Night 🌛
Here is some awesome Panty & Stocking Artwork to light up your night 🔥
Feature Art By
FGC Good Night Tweet 🌃

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