gonna do another anouncement preview for toto soon

let's just say, Franky isn't the only foe you encounter 😳😳😳😳😳

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Some painted portraits I did of Joey and Franky

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Franky do One Piece

Pq eu tava sem ideia...


2 10

Just a reminder, I love this bozo. Franky is such a goofball and I lob him. My icon yes yes, man of many faces

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Yesterday was Franky and Miku Day's birthday, isn't it better that these robots celebrate together?

4 21

10) First meetup with Franky (Manga chapter 1/Anime episode 1)

12 106

gm ! just realized BOTH miku and franky shared bdays

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Based off of @/skelliefranky's love language post-
Self indulgent jester stuff :)

14 59

Today is the birthday of one of my favorite OnePiece characters, Franky, the teton robot! 💙

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Happy Birthday Franky💙🌴
(One of the most underrated strawhats imo)

3 10

Happy birthday Franky!!! Of course he would have a birthday cake hair style 😂

Also Frankys birthday is the day before mine 😊

8 17

Have a Suuuuuper Birthday, Franky! ⭐️🤖

28 171

Hoy cumple años uno de los Mugiwaras, ese miembro mitad hombre mitad cyborg cuyo sueño es hacer que el Sunny llegue hasta el final de Grand Line y recorrer así todos los mares del mundo de ¡FELICIDADES FRANKY!

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Shanks, Mihawk and Franky's birthdays being on the same day is Oda testing my will to overwork


18 63