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It was a nice day .. I'm really happy to have many honest frineds with me .. Thanks everyone .. Love my friends really

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Just some friends from the past. :)

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latest colors for a friends project, Parallels.

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RT this and start a friends day with some Pantone humor! Enjoy!

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Merry Christmas, Twitter friends!

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Chimp- dressed, as one of my friends commented, "as a pimp".
I wonder if would approve.

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Hey guys! Vote for your favorite design for Gaia in my film "Delivery"! Tell your friends to vote too!! :)

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this is my friends drawing and i only coloured it~ hehe~

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dont trust what glados tells you about your friends. they will make you enemies

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Always remember that Friendship is Magic. http://t.co/JUGPINtU

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Misty and her friends!

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Title: serious look
lool just to give my friends a small sign that I can do serious =( looks really !

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Please don't take this the wrong way everyone. This was JUST a photo shoot. Yukiho and I are just friends.

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these are my friends now..

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(http://t.co/xwrY8nSz) My Friends!

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Diseño oficial de la mascota de Anime Friends2012!

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U r among friends now/rest if u must but if you want to reach HOME/You have to go beyond yourself/BELIEVE

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ANIME FRIENDS-! Comprá tu entrada anticipada! http://t.co/c09kD85E

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Finish your AWESOME Silverman and friends♥♥♥

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