If you're a huge cat lover (like us) then you definitely know what today is all about! Happy 'National Cat Day' everyone!

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13. If I were to pick, I'd say Wrath. An asylum full of pent of frustrations throughout my life. Regrets, burning questions, and lots and lots of memories.

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Day 26- Magical Girl

Sailor moon is the mother of magical girls so OF COURSE I do her for tonight!

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Day 21- GIANT

A planet sized Neco-Arc has come to make you pay for your crimes

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Day 20- Death Note

"I'll take a glass of pilk... nyand drink it"

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Day 18- MHA

Deku has embraced the cat and the day of reckoning is coming

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The American Shorthair is a stunningly beautiful cat breed with adorable looks, soft coats, robust health, and a docile temperament. The grey cat cursor for a mouse with American Shorthair!

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Coming up in this week's issue, brings us more Looshkin and duck jokes that will quack you up! 😹

With colours by the talented , brighten up your week and give it a read too. ✨

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Leine: No! 😆😆😆

Stellen sich eure auch tot, wenn man ihnen ein Geschirr ummacht? 🤣🤭😅

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Was liest du da? 🤣😅😂

P.S.: Ich hab Hunger 😆😆👌

Happy Mittagspause, ihr Lieben!

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Aber nur 3x, dann beiß ich und mach Bunnykicks 😆😆😆 Wer kennt's?

Habt einen schönen Pfingstmontag!

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