✨Introducing✨Illustrator Jordan Amy Lee is the newest addition to our futures roster! 🙌🏻💚 Jordan’s work is bold, with minimalist compositions & delicate textures that explore the beauty in everyday things - check out more at our website!

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Something inspired by Lord Raiden’s visions of futures past.

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이번달부터 10월까지 하는 독일 Vitra design museum에서 하는 이탈리아 디자인 스튜디오 Formafantasma 기획 전시 'Garden Futures' 꼭 가고 말것 정원을 통해 비전, 신화, 역사 등을 표현했데

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isn't it silly to expect a happy ending?
our futures have already been written so differently

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Been tuning in to spaces and getting to know more about and .

Two amazing projects with great leadership and BRIGHT futures.

Had to pick these beauties up, would love to connect with more Bearz and Apes !

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Scribbling night talking about our futures in colours

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When girls are given the right tools to succeed, they can create incredible futures, not only for themselves but also for those around them by Meghan Markle. Happy Women's Day!

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Webinar: Mighty Gay Unions! Queer and Trans Labor Histories and Futures - March 22 - https://t.co/98cL7opXtr

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"I've had my fill of bad futures!"

Future Trunks | DBZ

I have been watching DB super for the past few days and I just have this urge to draw a dragon ball character so why not trunks !

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Original: lonelyfutures

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Original: lonelyfutures

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Up10tion thank you for making my 20s so bright, through you i made some amazing friends and nurtured my passion for art. You really are one of the greatest gifts ever and I’m proud to call myself forever a honey10 💛 love all 10 of you so much, chase your futures happily

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Adventures Of Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) Cover Date October-December/Annual 2014 - Storylines/Events: Sacrifices - Futures End - Godhead - Life/Not-Life

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GM! Stockmarket futures are firmly in the 🟢 while is still in the 🔴 over 24hrs.

Testing out a new application to host live talks & educational sessions with Premium members today!

🖼️: 'Triumph' by - available via🔥 for 5 more days.

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