I BOUGHT! 🔥😱😍🤩

I bought wonderful art, the red-hair girl, by the cool artist Tatyana from on secondary market!

Tanya, I am delighted from your arts! I wish you endless inspiration ❤️

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Lio/Galo 🐰➡️🐯時空

35 98


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Good morning 🌅
Finally I finished my studies on the drawing course in realism style❤️

Some my training works 👇

7 62

"sou chato mas sou gostoso"
- galdino josé chaves, 1997


11 34

1. Galo is a dumb yet such a handsome, sweet and kind man. He just seems like this type of person who'd wrap his arms around his partner and shower him with endless kisses and affection.

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fui gaslighted achava q o galo era bombadao ele so eh definido

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briga de galo
or as you americans say, cock fight

7 19


91 241

redesign of Galo (jupiter) because i sold the old one

3 21

Yo no consumo manga ni anime. Pero leyendo sobre piratería en el Caribe di incidentalmente con una curiosidad que todo otaku venezolano tiene que saber: Ronoroa Zoro de One Piece se llama así por François L'Olonnais, bucanero galo que en 1666 saqueó y casi destruyó Maracaibo.

91 373

assim, depois de varias edições seguidas do ze sendo galinha na cara dura, eu meio que fico feliz com a ideia da ro ficar com o ze galo

4 32

I have the sweetest friend. got me a commission of Santa!Galo from for Christmas! Obsessed with promare all over again lmao. Thank you Mari 😭😭😭💞💞💞

1 7

O Horóscopo Chinês é do que o estudo que leva em conta o calendário e o seu ciclo de 12 anos.
Cada ciclo é representado por um dos 12 animais.São eles: Rato, Boi, Tigre, Coelho, Dragão, Serpente, Cavalo, Cabra, Macaco, Galo, Cachorro e Javali

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Melon, the mother of Riley Galo, lives a pretty simple life. She works around the house, cooking and cleaning for the children that come to play, watches anime weekly with her best friend, Ricki, and hides her precious daughter away from Drako for as long as she can.

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We need more Galo on Lio's lap, is all I gotta say

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18-. Promare es una joyita y Galo ni varon ✨💖👌

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Esta info la he sacado del libro "Astérix de la A a la Z", editado por Lunwerg y que recoge el catálogo de la expo que la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia hizo en homenaje al galo en 2019, 60 años después de la salida de "Asterix el galo", el primer libro de la colección.

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