This is a comic essay about life with my lover. Now posting every Wednesday.

“Summer live-in couples”

I have a higher body temperature,so my lover appreciates me more in the winter!

※English post on Instagram

6 18

This is a comic essay about life with my lover. Now posting every Wednesday.

“My boyfriend is waiting”

When I live with my lover, I am sometimes comforted by his innocence.

※English post on Instagram

2 13

This is a comic essay about life with my lover. Now posting every Wednesday.

“If my lover gets a compliment”

※English post on Instagram

2 12

This is a comic essay about life with my lover. Now posting every Wednesday

Lover who had a scary dream

When you wake up ,your mind is unprotected. You want to spoil someone a little

※English post on Instagram

4 19

Page 2, from my in production comic Project Hercules.

11 82

Dash se diverte assistindo futebol com seu melhor amigo Diego, enquanto seu namorado fica fazendo as tarefas domésticas.
•Macho Alfa: Dash
•Namorado do Dash: Johnny
•Melhor Amigo do Dash: Diego

8 28

"Back Scratches"-See the rest of this Big Tiny Life comic episode exclusively on Patreon.
Come join the fun, see exclusive comics and help support gay artists -

1 10

"Uniforms" drawings serie / Serie de dibujos "Uniformes".
Carlos el caporal mexicano/ Carlos the mexican caporal

30 245

Happy Pride from some of my comic characters: Paul and lumberjacks, H & I's John and Carl, and the Werebear and Cub.

14 132

🥵 Gio and Felix are so horny, please 😳🙈. * splurt * , and I am wet down there myself 👉👈😳 sorry for being a horny bitch 🥵
(Chapter 163)

12 160

"Uniforms" drawings serie / Serie de dibujos "Uniformes".
Octavio el Obrero / Octavio the construction worker

29 217