
[Commission] Springfield

Since the timing is perfect, i'd like show the final comparison of the old chibi with the new one but full color. I think it came out nicely

106 525

Today I present you the winner of the poll, our favourite doll AK-15. She's thrilled and loves you all

334 1543

Happy Birthday and thank you for inspiring me to start drawing 3 years ago!

41 224

Hindenburg cosplaying as MG15, I think she looks great but what do you think?
This was a comm for ~ 😊

27 171

Patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter. (Fallout NV) (ft. Thompson, BAR, M1 Garand)

363 1615

Thank you Eonsang. Very cool
God only knows what unimaginable things I'd do to Littara

27 143

pixivリクエスト commission from
Thank you for the request! Sorry for being late :p

136 481

Bought a book about drawing chibis around year ago so I tried giving it a go

23 164