I had the pleasure of making a plushie for @/LunaNoirHana❤
And here she is!

1 6

We're heading back to court tonight!
Head on over~ let's save Maya FOR REALSIES.


4 5

So a little while ago I managed to make a drawing for week <3
I wanted to do something for the Trust prompt. I like it <3

7 31

I can't promise anything, but I'm going to try to stream some next week <3 It's been awhile~
As long as I feel up to it, we shall play Great Ace Attorney Sunday night, and some DST Monday or Tuesday!
Then the subathon BotW stream the following week <3

2 10

Hey everybody! <3 I've been working on adding some things to my commissions guide; one of which is set bases for friends and couples!

Here's one of the ones I have made so far; featuring a gift I made for @/ChronusDragos' bday as a finished example. :3

7 24

Felt like drawing yesterday and made a dancing Pearl!
For the outfit, I used the lesbian pride flag colors as the palette; it felt weird not using her trademark teal, so I ended up using that as the background color ❤

2 11

I posted this on Instagram but I don't believe I have here; please accept these two adorable witch nerds on your feed uwu

Lee and Cheri with their respected pets <3

2 9

Random gush post:

I know I haven't streamed much lately, but thanks to all of you who support me despite the lack of content; I love you all.
It means alot to me, I truly does!
Big hugs, finger guns, and epic fist bumps to each and everyone of you.

2 11

Good morning everyone!
Hope you have a great day <3

I'm trying to decide what to eat for lunch today, what are you having?

1 11

More Anime Crossing!
Celeste and Sailor Moon protecting the stars and looking fab while doing it!

1 5

Yo! Today we've had some seriously effed up news so, have a Botan I drew replicating this great lil moment from the anime:

"...we're not lost we just need to go in the direction I'm pointing.."

Don't worry Botan, you're less lost than our country.

10 17

I recently did a plushie for @/AeroVesper and it got me thinking that maybe I should add plushies to my commission list.
What do you guys think?

3 15

is attempting to sleep some, so we will not be streaming Great Ace Attorney.

At 3:30p EDT we will stream some Ace Attorney Justice for All! See you there <3

3 10

Ergo and I are both having trouble boarding the sleep train...oof. Hope you guys are having more success than us.
Either way, at least the bed is comfy and I don't have to be up for 3 more hours so maybe I can get a tad more sleep.
Here's to good dreams for all

1 6

What's that? Negative thoughts??


You're a great person, and the world is better with you in it! It can be hard to remember that sometimes, but it's true.

Listen to Phoenix, he's a lawyer afterall. <3

6 15

Hey all!
Have a great day; hang with a friend or just chill. Whatever you choose, make it a fun one!

Enjoy these nerds <3

6 11

Come on in; the water is fine ~ Keep on swimming. You can do this!

6 18

I have to go to work soon but this is what I wish I was doing 😴
It's supposed to rain today and I'd rather be inside snuggling my pillow than be at work, but oh well!

We gotta do what we gotta do. <3

3 11

Lil comic with my witches; petition to stop saying "no you". Love for everyone <3 Ot may be hard to accept it, but you deserve it!

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