"You wouldn't mind if I took some samples for science, would ya??"

3 27

"What do you mean? Of course I can finish this whole burger! Watch me, SMELLY!"

1 23

Uno splendido dipinto...
Davvero grazie, Alessandra, per il gentile pensiero tanto apprezzato quanto gradito. 😊 Un sorriso e un caro saluto per augurarti una bellissima serata! 🦋

🎨🖌Cecilia Rosslee

15 45

ok this wont happen until feb 2023 but im VERY hyped to get the new Turles SH Figurarts. i pre-ordered him not to long ago (about a week or two after pre-orders began).
cant wait to get him😁

4 49

Hey! No talking during Study Hall! You better behave, or you'll be sitting with me in detention! 🦈🔱💙

2 24