
プロンプトをアセンブル型(ネーム作成AI(opus)には「そこにあるもの」だけ記述させて、キャラクターの視覚特性などは1コマずつhaikuにキャラクター表と合成させる方式)にしたら、まあまあよくなった 一応成立はしてるっぽい気配なので、ガチャ何回かやればいけそうな気配

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Today's Haiku (#21)

In the Night Garden.
When they made this Children's show,
What drugs were they on?


1 12

Today's Haiku (#20)

Humble Bin Chicken.
Fair Dinkum, True Blue Icon.
They kind of stink though.


1 13

Today's Haiku (#19)

Naked eight-limbed freak,
In a circle-square prison.
Vitruvian Man.


5 15

Today's Haiku (#18)

Fool-proof sleeping tip,
Simple, fast, and never fails.
Chloroform Hand Towel.


3 21

Today's Haiku (#17)

New World Pioneers,
They smile at the face of death.
The Will of the D.


1 15

Today's Haiku (#16)

Soul-less onyx eyes,
Grotesque head, Compressed body.
Loathsome Funko Pops


3 23

Today's Haiku (#15)

Black Vampire Ronin.
Big-ass Crouching Heavy Slash.


4 27

Today's Haiku (#14)

Never ending rain,
A profound melancholy.
Cant hang my laundry.


4 22

Today's Haiku (#13)

"Not 'cus I like you,
I simply cooked too much food!"
Tsundere is king.


5 55

Today's Haiku (#12)

What is a Haiku?
Simply put, a poem that-
Oops, I'm out of time.


4 30

Today's Haiku (#11)

A dwarf fried this rice?
With mandrake and monster meat?
Ahh... Dungeon meshi...


24 115

Today's Haiku (#9)

"The Greatest Unknown",
King Gnu's masterpiece album.
Like drugs for your ears.


6 23

Today's Haiku (#8)

Bitten by a puppy,
I am not one to back down.
A dog eat dog world.


4 27

Today's Haiku (#7)

The Daily Arcane
Current sorcery affairs.
Pondering my orb.


4 20

The 1st image I created with AI, then added my own haiku.

Using that as a model, the second image was hand-painted with traditional watercolor by Iranian artist . I am blown away!

Both are 5

23 42

♥️🎵💃 TGIF folks, Fun Friday yay 🕺🎵♥️

and drama
marriage and thunders
made in

19 177



*Brahms: Intermezzo Op.117-1 / Glenn Gould

*オスカー・ココシュカ《風の花嫁》1913 - 1914年 バーゼル市立美術館

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