画質 高画質


26 330

Are you a fan of Uncle Creepy and Vampirella? I tackled them both two months ago! Go check out the video! https://t.co/1Mx3YRseb1

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레볼루션 하트의 네 번째 오리지널 곡
드래곤팡 (DRAGON PANG) 에 일러스트로 참가했습니다.

많은 관심 부탁드립니다.

[MV] https://t.co/RJARg1CJyr https://t.co/e21PQbLZh9

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I made this artwork last month ago tho, Just sharing it.. Ngl, it's kinda good for me but I'm not that satisfied with it.. Don't mind me posting super late lol

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🍒 Commission for

Working is really screwing my time 😅, I know Halloween already passed, but the cosplay idea still stays ^^ Hope you guys like

16 43

Got this Adorable Halloween 🎃 Commison from my friend this is so cute ☺☺☺☺ Eh Halloween may already passed Lol! Thanks Aruna! I love your Art!!

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a little late but this was for halloween

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Late Spooky Month Art! I’ve been pretty inactive lol

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