So sorry to hear about Hana Kamura today =( my fanart did not do her beauty justice... Rest in peace.

58 358

Hana we don’t deserve you 😔 I drew a tribute piece, of how I imagine her...hopefully happier now

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Dude I’m a big wrestling fan and a big terrace house fan, and the news about this today sucks. Rest In Peace, dude.

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Tribute to a princess and a king that we lost too damn soon

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Hana Kimura
1997 – 2020

82 501

I really hope I did her justice
Here is Hana Kimura
Gone far to early

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34 149

The moment she was introduced, I immediately loved her. I'm so sad she had to leave. There are too many mean ppl in this world.
Rest in Peace, Hana Kimura😔

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Whoever the artist is that did this it's beautiful

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