Well, while tumblr's down I might as well post more here *insert evil laugh here*

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'Farewell on the Train' - A AU sketch I made just for fun xD https://t.co/FOnHlsvMkB

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This was my contribution for the Fannibal anthology Radiance made by the amazing folks at ​​
What a wonderful fandom this is.

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It's been a criminally long time since I've drawn so uuuuh here we are.

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Will Graham had no idea what Dr.Lecter was preparing for his treatment that evening.

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Will was embarrassed for a moment, but he decided to accept Hannibal's therapy.

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Hannibal Lecter, Clarice Starling, and Will Graham,
the three main characters in Hannibal series by Thomas Harris.

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Just done watching this show and it was fantastic. The way it was clpse to the book. I loved it. 🦌🖤😍

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