ive been having a hard time drawing lately and as a result I started to look back on old fandoms! I decided to draw a piece for every fandom that impacted my drawing ^^ and the first one was homestuck!! also

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An old piece of fan art of my favorite troll :)

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4 4

홈스턱 십주년추카~~

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This is my first 4/13 and I worked this whole week on it please enjoy!

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A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, 2009, is this young man's birthday. Though it was thirteen years ago he was given life, it is only today he will be given a name!

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guys! I'm very excited hahahahahahahahahaha today is acceptable for me to be extra Homestuck so HAHAHAHAAHAH

1 2

vaaale algo un poquito mas decente

send love to them :(

21 47

Happy 413! I can't believe ten years ago today, a young man stood in his bedroom, waiting to be named...

20 38

Testisim volume 2 is out! with two new characters Canela and Tyrone <3.
I had to draw something for it because i'm still hyped up!
Please go check it out. made it with love !

7 21

i owe you so much, i love you, happy birthday

4 12

They wait. For he who'd extinguish candles whilst fanning a fire.
For she who'd thaw solid flesh and resolve it into a dew.
For she who'd breed lilacs out of the dead land.
For he who'd drop like it's hot whilst the pimp is in the crib.

Happy hs day!

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Couldnt make a new drawing this year but still! Happy 10th birthday homestuck!!

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