My mom said I used to have a big crush on Captin Harlock... well I still do :d

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Shizuo Ishikura from Cosmowarrior Zero // コスモウォーリアー零より石倉静夫 // Captain Harlock fanart // 宇宙海賊キャプテンハーロックイラスト

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Last one for January: Captain Harlock's space battleship, The Arcadia.

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Emeraldas and Tochiro are the first main characters to walk on stage in Harlock Saga, who I always enjoy seeing most

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In our new era of hologram concerts, I await our space pipe organ future Harlock Saga and other anime sold me on too

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Elda [Erda] gets one scene across Harlock Saga’s six episodes, but they sure focus to make those moments memorable.

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Harlock Saga has a lot of quirky opera-to-manga-to-OVA changes.

But, the good ship is well loved and sails ever on.

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Une commande récente: Yattaran (Alfred) de /
Couleurs de

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Kazuo Komatsubara - Harlock

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Done!! <3 My Captain Harlock <3333333

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