hehe boyfriend
think that's how it's spelled...

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Here is some more fanart for digital practice - Hatoful Boyfriend (c) Moa

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Did I already mention I'm looking forward to autumn?- Hatoful Boyfriend (c) Moa

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And I begin to realise I draw a certain character alot - Hatoful Boyfriend (c) Moa

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Fanart inspired by the 'Gregorio' animated song!

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Shuu from Hatoful Boyfriend

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Hato Moa drew Shuu for the Hatoful Boyfriend advent calendar. With fried chicken...... http://t.co/dJIoftQYW6

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I've been playing Hatoful Boyfriend. This game is a PRECIOUS TREASURE. I highly recommend it.

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моя жизнь никогда не станет прежней

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This seemed like a relevant information

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hatoful boyfriend? xD BUT THEY'RE GOOD LOOKING.

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hatoful sword crossover e_e;;; I guess this counts as a late

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Definitely getting Hatoful Boyfriend finally though (ノ´▽`)ノ♪ Waited so long to see it having discounts ehehe

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