Haurchefant of the Silver Fuller

311 427

Who did this to him!?I have already lost Haurchefant...T_T...Don't stab my heart again SE!#Aymeric

5 7

Painting Haurchefant<3

1 2

Wish can bring Haurchefant to a warm place to enjoy yukata and fireworks..T_T

71 121

When WoL drinking hot cocoa......XD

94 145

Doodled Haurchefant while waiting for the internet to behave itself
Spoiler: it didn't _(:3 」∠)_

10 42

we love u haurchefant

86 145

Butler SE the whole world wants butler suits, pls dun keep it Japan only (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻#オルシュファン

122 121

I suppose to work...why i did another sketch...X_X

12 23

a quick doodle of ysayle and haurchefant, patch 3.3 was amazing <3

282 355

Celebrating Heavensward One Year Anniversary!!^_^Thank you Squareenix!

92 99

It's been sometime since my last painting...still working on it @

26 42

de Fortemps フォルタンHe deserves to carry the proper family name.

86 125