tengo algo con dibujar a scara encima de heizou, se volverá un hc a este punto-

6 27

im finally doing the heiscara aquarium request

1 7

So... a doodle of my kazuheiscara vampire au thats been stewing in my brain-

352 3461

gay gay homosexual gay

63 277


Hello, I'm Diya! I'm an artist and fanfic writer. My goal is to provide HeiScara content for the 9 fans out there. Also, don't worry about my pronouns, any of them will do.

Below will be a thread with some of my stuff, if you want to check it out! For now, take this:

0 10

Tô tóc ẩu quá ;)))

38 114

happy new years!! thanks for all the support <3
(its still 11pm here

12 41