

230 1516

That's my birthday story...
Meeting you was the greatest gift in my life…🎁

14 62

I can't wait to see your happy face.
Please don't leave me...

182 1527

I will never forget it.
The day I met you,
was the day of my first love…💕

139 1265

喜歡Striker 仇富反派吃鱉的時候真的很可愛XD

143 627

「what if two met earlier?」💙💚
(※I'm using a translator,so my words might be strange...)

597 6380

※ anthropomorphism 擬人化🤡

25 165

Andrealphus is a scheming motherfucker
But a sexy one I'll give him that
Here's a few i did about him both are in my Instagram

3 9


10 49