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Andrealphus is a scheming motherfucker
But a sexy one I'll give him that
Here's a few i did about him both are in my Instagram

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10 49

FALLEN Chp 22: Revenge part 1

Here it is, the chp that represents the purpose of this comic.
It's a pity you're not seeing how the cherubs' friendship and Cleenie develop.😔

61 614

Couldn't resist and brought you Loona)
And looking at past works, I think she will be appreciated.

13 129

la verdad me alegro tener una ship mas de esta forma! (hice un collab cuando hice este dibujo pero tambien dije que lo pintaria cuando tuviera tiempo)

27 119

I finished my Queen Beezlebub drawing. 🐝✍️
Hope you like it! 😊

55 238